Education & Training


Many schools and companies are still hesitant about entering the XR training era, and either believe that implementation is too expensive, or they don’t know how to get started. However, virtual training has now moved well beyond the concept phase and is now an active, affordable, and evolving tool for knowledge transfer in a wide range of industries. XR environments are disrupting industries and changing the way students and workers are being educated.

We are focusing on:

Available tailor made solutions

Our learning materials are being used by millions of students across the globe. Would you like to be part of the revolution?  XR education holds endless possibilities, only your imagination sets a limit. 

XR Training

Currently, we are working together with many Fortune 100 corporations to bring XR education closer to its users.  Our custom-built inhouse framework enables us to reliably and quickly create quality training products for multiplatform usage. 

Ready-to-purchase solutions

Our Dental application is developed for dental assistant students to learn risky procedures in a safe environment.

LETAR is an XR education platform for K12 students including 160 learning modules and a custom activity builder for teachers. 

Best rated polygon-based VR sculpting app that is a great tool for 3D artist students. Discover the latest technologies and engage your students!