Leopoly Joins IVSZ: A Strategic Move Towards Digital Transformation
Leopoly Joins IVSZ: A Strategic Move Towards Digital Transformation 2024.07.26. Blog Leopoly officially joined the IVSZ (Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások Szövetsége), also known as the Association of Information Technology Enterprises in Hungary. This membership marks a significant step in the expansion of IVSZ’s diverse portfolio of innovative companies and aligns with Leopoly’s mission to […]
Leopoly Introduces a New Training Approach in the Aerospace Sector, Transforming Aerospace Training
News about Leopoly: Leopoly Introduces a New Training Approach in the Aerospace Sector, Transforming Aerospace Training 2023.10.10. Blog Although textbooks have traditionally been a fundamental component of education, there is agrowing belief in the transformative power of personal 3D experiences. By harnessing thepower of the latest XR technologies (such as VR glasses, 3D screens, and […]
Safety First, Virtual Reality Next: Exploring the Power of VR Safety Training for a Safer Tomorrow
Safety First, Virtual Reality Next: Exploring the Power of VR Safety Training for a Safer Tomorrow </h1 > 2023.07.25. Blog Extended Reality (XR), which includes Virtual Reality (VR), has sparked a transformative impact on several industries. One particularly promising area of its application is safety training. VR safety training offers users immersive experiences, enabling […]